Club XVIII Section 3
Score: 76 - 47
Brunswick Brunswick (as NOBSPC)
Bulleen Templestowe Bulleen Templestowe
79 - 88
Bulleen Templestowe Bulleen Templestowe
82 - 29

Match Report

5 Best

  1. The O’Halloran brothers dominating on the half-forward line and racking up plenty of goals and MVP points for the pseudonyms
  2. Remembering the fallen over the ANZAC Day long weekend: “They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them”

    • Proceeds of Crime Ives (pinky)
    • Eduardo Kus (knee)
    • Sean ‘Kingmaker’ Sammon (knee)
    • Skinny Jeans Reid (foot)
    • Sam ‘half time durries’ O’Connell (hamstring)
    • Timothy Mayfield (ribs)
    • Lewie Cross PSM (finger)
    • Alex Ben (heart muscle / mum didn’t do ironing)
  3. Brenton ‘Unsullied’ Lawty, The man of Few Words Jack Daniels and Don’t Argue Dr Phil Moore racking up 110 possessions between them in another dominant performance around the ground
  4. The ongoing tireless work of club stalwart Pete Hevey (pronounced ‘Heaves’) who takes care of timekeeping, scoreboard and canteen each Saturday. Next time you bump into him on a Saturday, please say thank you.
  5. Blooding a few more players into the Clubbies family – Joe ‘Can I Borrow Your Boots Please’ Butler, Tom ‘Reid Faction’ Winship and Jack ‘La Paz’ Frew (Frewy’s holding the ball after valiantly trying to sell candy to 4 blokes at once in the 2nd quarter warrants special mention)
  6. Johny ‘Professional Witness’ Glossop, the best team manager there ever was, overlooking a couple of steel rods and trolley polls before certifying the Gillon “free of all debris and player safety hazards

5 Best

  1. Almost losing to the kents from Kew
  2. Picky giving away a free kick and a 25 metre penalty in front of opposition spectators moments after coming on in the 3rd quarter in a misguided attempt to steady the ship #whenyouarecoachingyoushouldnevercomeonbecauseyou’lldosomethingstupidwhichunderminesyourcredibility
  3. No one has taken any hangers yet
  4. The feeble attempt on goal by Kangaroo Route Simon Joyce in the 3rd quarter when we were outscored 3 goals to 1 #pickyshouldn’thavedraggedScuba #almostcostusdearly
  5. The explanation advanced by Coach Treppo for his unavailability this week – “I have to visit my mother in law in Brisbane” – versus the round two excuse provided by the then uninitiated Jack ‘What happens at Loki Cuzco stays at Loki Cuzco’ Frew “Sorry for the late reply, was away fishing and drinking all long weekend”
7. Benjamin O’Halloran 4
1. Todd MacLeod 2
Christopher Gatto 1 2
42. Paul Daniels 1 3
Alexander Pascoe 1
Anthony Hipsley 1
Sam O’Connell 1
9. Brenton Lawty 1
14. Phillip Moore 4
48. Stephen Clinch 5
47. Simon Joyce
54. Tom O’Halloran
26. Jarryd Poyner
49. Steven Denatris
27. Tony Pick
Alan Clinch
13. Brenton Allan
Daniel Kratochvil
61. Julian O’Dowd
Matthew Reid
Ryan Slack
Thomas Winship

Venue location

Gillon Oval

Pearson St, north of Victoria St, Brunswick VIC