Hawthorn Amateurs vs Brunswick Renegades

Premier C Women Reserves
Score: 43 - 17
Brunswick Brunswick Renegades
Bulleen Templestowe Bulleen Templestowe
97 - 53
Bulleen Templestowe Bulleen Templestowe
145 - 1
Hawthorn Amateurs Hawthorn Amateurs
19 - 6

Match Report

It would be remiss to go by without mentioning the absolute quality of the canteen menu, and hospitality Hawthorne showed us this round. We’ve never felt so welcome, nor have we seen such an impressive vegetarian menu outside the northern suburbs!

The second shout out goes to Aimy Nguyen, who has sadly had to sit out the season so far due to injury. This has not stopped her from volunteering in any position she could physically handle for both games since day 1. Your club appreciates you and all our wonderful volunteers.

This week the Ressies played out of their sopping wet skin in what the coach Geck declared “the best game of footy they have played so far”. The Ressies ran out with a 17 a side team and one on the bench with numbers down. Under the leadership of Maddie, who leads by example, giving it their absolute week in and week out, we got to see some great footy. Buzz, who was rumoured to be feeling a little under the weather, certainly didn’t let that show with the way she attacked that ball. Always in the right position out of the ball ups and working through the midfield, she creates countless opportunities for the team.

The early game must have meant a lot of players skipped breakfast because there was some serious hunger for the ball out there. Kayla only has eyes for the Sherrin when she’s on the field, and we love how that’s working out. Meg is also giving us some excellent on-ball energy this week and is making the big mark under pressure her personal schtick. Darcy blessed us with a spectacularly snappy goal from inside the square before half time giving the Renos the boost they needed.

With some of the more experienced rucks playing up this week, Wallis was left to fend the centre square and boy, she was she up for the task, winning taps like she’s been doing this for years. We even saw our star ruck have her first crack at goals! Missing by only a fraction, we’re confident the confidence in this one will keep growing. More relentless second and third efforts by Elsie this week and one of the swiftest intercepts I think we’ve seen this season from Trel.

The wet conditions had taken another player by the second half, and the Ressies were playing without a bench. The second half saw a few more attempts at goal and then finally a big mark from TBag, who sent the ball into goal square for full forward Eliza to do what she does best and score sick goals. It was tough conditions in defence with only two players in the backline, but Stocko made sure she worked twice as hard on the goal line keeping the score as in check as possible under the circumstances. Some enormous efforts from some very worn out legs that will no doubt need a long soak in a hot bath later. One of the few small pleasures after a long day of cold, wet footy.

32. Jessica Stockton 1
75. Darcy Powell 1
93. Kaila Michael 1
11. Kiah Pearce 2
74. Josephine Marchant 3
59. Wallis Hamilton 4
90. Meg McNeel 5
17. Emily Taylor
26. Caroline Moore
29. Lydia Bell
37. Samantha Arthur
47. Eliza Ryan
52. Elsie Daddow
67. Trelawney Skye Edgar
77. Maddie Lakos
79. Amy Dillon
84. Rayhna Puche
91. Eva Mellors

Venue location

Rathmines Road Reserve

Rathmines Road, Hawthorn East VIC