Club XVIII Section 1

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84 - 78 |
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51 - 83 |
Match Report
Welcome to the first edition of ‘5 Best 5 Worst’ for season 2015.
The idea is copied from the Parliamentary sitting week summaries of The Hon. Tony Burke, member for Watson.
5 Best
Promising starts by combine* debutants including:
- Will ‘Boy Wonder’ Brouwers – A dashing utility who likes it body on body. Along with Anthony ‘McDreamy’ Brennan, this is the bloke your girlfriend will actually be watching.
- John ‘VCAT’ Glossop dishing out early season sprays to set expectations and uphold standards, most notably to Steve ‘Full Back For Lyfe’ Clinch for being a lazy water boy and to the playing group as a whole for showing a lack of imagination with regard to nick names. A dishonourable mention must go to Todd ‘Handball’ Macleod for proposing several unpopular and inaccurate monikers for himself from afar including The Great One, Ablett, The Rig and Mr Consistency.
- Tim ‘Aide de Camp’ Mayfield racking up 30+ touches on a wing after putting in a solid pre-season by clubbies standards.
- Daniel ‘Kracker’ Kratochvil getting off to a flyer in the B&F and goal kicking race
- Wrighty sort of making it through a game without injuring himself #notallstkevsboysaresoft
5 Worst
- Losing to ‘the socks’, a combine* of chardonnay socialist hipsters masquerading as amateur footballers #maintaintherage
- Hearing the international dial tone when attempting to call Trav ‘Dr Manhattan’ McLeod on Friday night
- The long list of omissions on Saturday: Frew Dog runs all day, The Human Flight Simulator Fog, Todd ‘Pork Sword’ Macleod, Travers ‘Rule of Law’ McLeod, 2014 B&F Brenton ‘2nd Best Rig’ Lawty
- Not knowing if / when we’ll get to sing ‘out we come to play’ in Div 1 #EADoldxavs
- Jake or Darcy (not sure who it was) letting a head high floater through to the keeper to gift La Trobe’s heavy-set full forward his fifth for the afternoon #brainfart
* A combination of persons or groups for the furtherance of their political, commercial, or other interests