NOBSPC’s very own Chris Ford is currently on vacation in the United States of America. Apparently, he has been pitching some ideas to “execs” at networks such as NBC, Fox and HBO for NOBSPC-related sitcoms. Here are just a few:

Terminally Phil – A two part drama following highly strung and ‘career at all costs’ accountant Phil Doolan having a meeting with a PwC client with a terminal illness. Following their meeting, Phil discovers there is more to life than ‘a big pile of chinese food and a couple of f$%k off spreadsheets’. Think “Tuesdays with Morrie” meets “The Apprentice”.

Newl to be Kind – Jem Newland goes arond handing out cash to Aussie Battlers. Soundtrack to be equal parts Smash Mouth’s “All Star” and The Fray’s “How to save a life”.

Hos-King of Queens – Chris Hosking hosts a dating show. Look for a cameo from Brendan Wills.

Fell in Love With A Girl – As above, but replace Chris Hosking with Trevor Fell.

In Todd We Trust – Todd Cleary becomes a priest or something.

Tonkins Tucks – A six part series where Dan Tonking runs through his favourite types of truck…s.

NCIS: Col Case – Pretty similar to all the other crime shows except Col Peasnell solves all the crimes.

Guess Burdeu’s Coming to Dinner? – Basically, Frenchy just rocks up at different peoples houses for an evening of fine dining and witty banter.

The Sim-ple Life – A comedic reality TV show that depicts Simon “Strapping Lad” Harwood living up to his dream of being a strapper and doing track work each morning with the horses. Expect cameo appearances from the Chris “The Sire” Harwood.